Camille's 100 Followers Giveaway!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Heyy Girlies! Camille a fellow blogger of mine purchased two of my Handmade By Sophie-Lou-J-Says...! crochet
hairbands last week for her 100 followers giveaway!

So Be sure to check it out and enter if you would like to get your hands on both hairbands!
Also make sure you become a follower of Camille's blog as its great and she has loads of super cute OOTD!
Hurry up and enter as its open from 22/11/10 -30/11/10!

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  1. Ahhh so cute!! I'm so excited, so far everyone loves them!!

  2. Awww yay im so pleased! x
    Sophie-Lou x


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