
Toy Story 2 3D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Craig, Katie and I went to the cinema yesterday to watch Toy Story 2 3D which was really good. We had to wear the silly glasses ( photo above) and it was fun !
We all had huge hot dogs and lots of munchies for the film.

Review time...The film was really good but i was a little let down by the amount of 3d effects . The 3d Depth of the film looked great but there wasn't many 3D out of the screen bits. As in the trailers the new Tim Burton Film Alice in Wonderland looks amazing and even the trailer popes out of the screen. Cant wait to see this film !!!
Its worth seeing toy story though as it is really funny and as toy stories are it is a good plot :)
Thanks Craig n Kate for a lovely film night out lol :)

x SLJ x

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