Max Update!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
As i have already blogged about Katie's kitten max this blog is an update on how he has grown and some NEWS!!
Katie has just found out she is soon to be expecting her first child :) were all so chuffed for her! , Craig and I are so excited because she honored us with the question of being God Parents to him/her when he/she arrives. YAYYY!!! so ill keep blogging on Katie's pregnancy progress and cant wait to take lots of lovely photos of mum and baby in July :) .
Max on the other hand ..well were to start he is a little cutie but a little monster lol , he has taken full advantage of terrorising our cat Jodie :P which she doesn't find amusing lol. But he's lush and i have a few photos of him above. also above is a picture of Katie's new mumzy hair which is lush too :)
Also I'm making the most of my post exam study leave and totally chilling out!!
Love you always Craig :)