Saturday, November 08, 2014

I've never used a chocolate face mask before or a self warming mask so you can imagine my excitement when my best friend Katie bought me one for my birthday. I was so shocked at how amazing this mask felt when I was applying it to my face. It was so thick and chocolaty and had an amazing orangey tang to it. 

The self warming element to this mask is unreal, I didn't expect it to be so hot as it is described as warm but it really was hot and felt really luxurious.

Montagne Jeunesse Chocolate Orange Warming Masque

As tempting as it was to taste this mask I didn't as it isn't for consumption but it smelt so tasty, like a Terry's chocolate orange. I didn't know how this mask would improve my skin but after all the Halloween makeup looks I did, my skin needed a pick me up.

I have been pleasantly surprised with how nice and clear my skin has been since using this mask twice. I will be sure to pick up a few more of these on my next trip into town as I think they are sold in Primark.

Have you tried these Montagne Jeunesse face masks?

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  1. I haven't tried the chocolate mask but it sounds delicious! I love the feel of self warming masks too!

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    1. Its amazing! You'll love it x highly reccommend it x :) x

  2. It really suits you! Haha. If it smells like Terry's Chocolate orange then I'm definitely going to try that. I tried one of their fruit mud masks recently, and it stung a bit at the beginning but my skin was so clear after that!


    1. Haha thanks x its amazing and smells just like melted Terrys you'll love it! I've got a fruity one to try next so I'll see how I get on with the stingy thing x glad your skin was clear after it though x

  3. I've never tried anything like this before but it sounds amazing! I'll definitely have to give this mask a try :) x

    The Belle Narrative

    1. You should defo give it a try its amazing! You will love it guaranteed :) x

  4. I love that this mask matching your eyes, hahahah! Ok, moving on to my seriousness; I have never tried a self-warming mask. How crazy that the warming-effect surprised you, must have really been more than expected. I've had a chocolate mask before and loved it. Kind of had a hard time not licking it off my face.. Even though I suspect it wouldn't taste very good....

    They sell these types of masks in our local "Walmart" department store for like a dollar each. If you ever want a stock-pile of them, let me know! I wouldn't mind sending you them, they are so inexpensive and TOTALLY ROCK.

    Much Love,
    -Stephanie Eva

    1. Haha it does I hadn't even noticed lol x thank you x its amazing Stephanie you must try a self warming one, I was pleasantly shocked :) x I had a slight like 'shit, is this thing going to burn my face moment' but then i realised it wasn't getting THAT hot and that it was just stunning! Yeah ha I wouldn't advise eating it lol as tempting as it smells hehe x AW thank you so much thats so kind of you x I'll keep that in mind :) x
      Huge hugs x


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