Weddings, Wayne Goss, Onesies & Fresh Starts.....
Thursday, October 19, 2017
I've just realised I haven't blogged since FEB :O that's so awful of me. I used to blog regularly but as I've said before when life gets busy it doesn't half get hectic and times goes so quickly! I cant even believe its already the end of OCT!!! That means we have had Craig's Birthday in March, My Brothers Wedding in April, Got a New kitten in May, Packed up our house of 8 years in June, Moved house in July AND Craig started his new job, Met Wayne Goss in Cardiff Boots at a job interview in August, Started my new part time job at Benefit Cosmetics and finally renovated my own Freelance Studio (shed), Went on BeneTraining in Sept, and Scottie shot his debut film role for Two For Joy 2018 (thanks nik), had my 26th Birthday on the 3rd Oct and now we're here 19th Oct and I'm enjoying a rare day off sat in my fluffy onesie with a cup of earl grey tea. So although lots has happened and changed this year, I'm still random little ol' me loving everything Cats, Beauty and Unicorn!
I hope your all well and I do apologise for the total lack of blogging but im BACK and ready to share with you lots of exciting new products, videos and of course illustrations.