

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Purrfect boxes as you know are my favourite thing to treat the cats to every month. They always feature a fanatic array of yummy delicious treats and fun toys which the cats LOVE! February's Box is no exception, featuring Cat Caviar, Pet Munchies, Deodorising Cat litter and some funky cat toys! 

Scottie and Jodie absolutely adore the 100% natural cat treats by Pet Munchies and have really enjoyed throwing the Catnip scented dolphin around the living room. The little birdy ball and crochet cat toy they also really like as they jungle and rattle keeping them fully entertained during their play time. 
Novembers box was just as brilliant with treats and Thrive Cat food, a quirky roller toy which drops treats when they roll it around, a snuggly new paw print blanket and hygienic pet neem oil wipes so that your pets are always clean. 

The pet wipes by Camon are so handy as cats HATE baths and water so they are so convenient. They also contain neem oil which is a natural pesticide which will clean off unwanted guests and insects. The smell of the wipes is very strong and I don't think the cats love it but I'm pretty sure they prefer the wipes to a bath. These would also be ideal for dogs after a mucky walk or for wiping their face after scoffing their meal.  
Jodie and Scottie also loved this boxes contents  and especially loved playing with the catnip birdy toy. Its on an elasticated string so i can play with it with Scottie and he really enjoys chasing it around the room. The Trixie treat roll although it is a cool design and seams like a great idea, the cats don't really roll it like a dog would they just sit and stare at it until I roll it and the treats fall out. So not ideal as that's more exercise for me than for them. 
The blanket included in this box couldn't have been more welcomed by the cats and myself. Its the perfect colours to match our new living room once we decorate with it being grey with white paw prints. Scottie quickly adopted the blanket as his own and as I placed it in the Puurfect box he quickly snuggled right down into it, pulling the most adorable grumpy face. 
With Christmas being so hectic I didn't get to write about the November or December boxes hence why they are featured in this post but Purrfect boxes are ideal as a treat for your cats which includes a bit of everything from hygiene to treats and toys.

The December box was just as amazing and I highly recommend trying Purrfect boxes for your cats and the Pawsome Box for dogs. Purrrfect box have also been so kind as to give me a discount code that you can use to get £5 off your first box!  I'm not affiliated with Purrfect box at all so any links clicked in this post or if you use the code, I do not get paid. 
I hope you all enjoyed seeing Jodie and Scottie playing their new Purrfect boxes and again I urge you to treat your cats next month as the boxes get better and better! There's no strings attached and you can choose between monthly,3,6 or 12 months subscriptions.

Let me know in the comments what you think of the Purrfect box, Is it something you think you would purchase for your cats? Oh and don't forget they do the Pawsome box for your dogs also. 

*This post is sponsored by Purrfect Box. All opinions are 100% my own and honest.

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