Jodie Jenner
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
As you may have already seen on my Instagram, our beautiful Jodie Puss sadly passed away last Wednesday 23rd March 2016. She was mine and Craig's whole world and completed our little family! I never imagined a life without Jodie as since the day I met Craig, Jodie was always there with him as she was his first cat when he moved out on his own. She was such a loyal cat to craig that she wasnt all that friendly to anyone else. She resisted me as a friend for so many months maybe even a year but once I moved in with Craig she became my best friend, our little girl and we shared so many happy memories with Jodie!
This is the earliest photograph I could find of Jodie, this was when Craig first got her in 2005! She was so tiny and a little bit wild from what Craig tells me. She would climb the inside of the sofa and charge around the flat making all kinds of crazy sounds! She had so much going on behind her green snake eyes and was always plotting ways to find the best hiding place or snuggle spot!
As she was an indoor cat she rarely went outside unless it was for us to show her snow for the first time or sit out the garden on my lap in the summer! This meant that she was always close by, either cuddled on Craig's lap or sunbathing on the window sill in the office. She literally wouldn't be fussed or be picked up by anyone other than myself or Craig and would be sure to worn anyone else to back off! She was so sassy and full of character! We would also take her out in the car which she loved! She would sit on my lap as Craig drove around and would be so intrigued by the lights and outside world! We would get the funniest looks off people who didn't expect to see a cat on my lap in the passenger seat.
Jodie always found herself the most random place in the house and we would have such a chuckle finding her, with one of our most used sentences being ' have to see this!! come see where Jode is!'. She loved the attention but on her terms as she was also so skilled at ignoring us totally when she strutted around the house. from boxes, bags, hats and anything new ( like the kitchen scales, bottom middle pic) she would find a way to sit and enjoy her new found fav spot, no matter how tall or small of a space it was!
We always thought Jodie would be our only fur baby as she didn't get on well with any other cats but in 2011, Craig got me Scottie for my 20th Birthday and made our family a 4! Jodie of course greeted Scottie with a huge hiss and growl but after a few days was cuddled up with him on Craig's lap! They were best friends and loved each other so much! She taught him so much, probably too much as she was the best food thief always stealing our cereal etc. But she was sure not to teach him how to 'NOT get caught' by us as he was always left with the milky chin whilst she sat smug from a distance. As if she'd had nothing to do with the disappearance of the milk from our bowls!
Every winter she always looses a little weight and nibbles at her fur on her belly but then bounces back to herself in spring! So this Christmas was nothing out of the ordinary until the beginning of March when she stopped playing as much, she was super tired, drinking more often and not interested in her food which is not like Jodie at all! We took her to the vets on the 16th of march to try and find out what was wrong with her! Obviously she wasn't having any if it and lashed out in fear at the vets. They suspected kidney failure but couldn't take bloods as she was not cooperating at all!
We got her special foods and tried to feed her over the next few days but by the weekend she was so weak and couldn't even walk! We syringe fed her cat milk and rushed her straight into budget vets on Monday morning! She was so calm and let the vet take bloods which came back that she had days to live as her kidneys where failing! Craig and I were distraught but knew we had to try something to help! The vet was so kind to us and showed so much care for jode, he gave us a few options which would help! We decided to try fluids and put her on a drip at the vets but after a day the vet advised us that she wasn't getting any better, was in pain and told us she only had hours left.
We didn't want to put her down but it would have been cruel to keep her alive any longer when she 100% wouldn't get better and was suffering! At 6pm on Wednesday 23rd March, We held her in our arms like a baby and told her how much she meant to us, how much we loved her and thanked her for always being there for us both! Told her we would always talk about her and that Scottie would also miss her terribly!
We buried her that evening which was the hardest thing we have ever had to do! I'm so proud of Craig for digging her grave and helping me realise I had to let her go and be brave! I'm so thankful that Craig & I were totally there for each other and made every decision together from our hearts in kindness and from love! We lit some tea lights in the shape of a 'J' and said our goodbyes!
Jodie will forever be in our hearts and we will never forget her!
We are totally heartbroken, life is so quiet here without her but we know she's not suffering anymore! It was just so quick from her seeming healthy and happy to being so weak and ill. Its so sad to see Scottie looking around the house for her, we wish we could explain to him where she has gone!
If love alone could have kept her here, she would have lived forever!
Always loved, never forgotten!
Jodie Jenner
03/07/05 - 23/03/16