

Friday, December 05, 2014

Its been over a week now since I told you all about my 'Shape up' for Christmas collaboration with Stephanie and its so far going well, not as well as I'd hoped due to still wanting too many treats but I've only got myself to blame there.  I've got 3 weeks until Christmas day so I need to kick my self right into gear in the next few weeks and stick to my set goals. I've got a few new goals to share with you this week but before I get onto those here is how last week went...

 My 3 goals last week where ,Drink 2 litres of water a day, Work out twice this week, Stick to 28 Weight Watchers Daily Pro Points.The first goal I got on really well with as I've been buying the big 2 litre bottles of still mineral water and making sure I've basically drunk the whole bottle within a day. Its easy to see if your drinking enough and if you've still got a whole load to drink at the end of the night and a banging head ache , you haven't drunk enough. So I have definitely drunk more water this past week. I only worked out once which is super annoying to admit but I ...well I'm not even going to make excuses as that is all it would be is an excuse. I really want to make sure I workout more this week as it will make me feel better and I need tone up as well as shift some belly fat with cardio. 

And lastly I stated I needed to stick to 28 daily pro point, again didn't quite but definitely cut down from my usually food intake. The proof was in the pudding so to speak as when it came to weight day I had lost 1.5lbs making me 9st 1.5 woop! I was really pleased to have lost some weight in my first 'shape up' week as I really would like to be below 9st before Christmas day so I can binge and not worry about gaining too many extra pounds. 
This week I'm going to set myself 3 new goals and try my hardest to stick to them as I know I could have done a lot better last week and been even happier with the results. So my 3 goals for this week are...

Stick to 28 Daily Weight Watchers Pro Points - This is something I know is sure to help me loose the extra pounds and by being silly and not sticking to them I'm only letting myself down. Its still enough food and treats with the 49 weekly points as well as my 28 dailys so there really is no excuse not to stick to these points. 

Make sure I workout twice this week + walk to the post office - I enjoy working out and the pumped energised feeling that comes with doing a quick cardio burst work out is something I really need. It's so hard to motivate yourself to get up and move around when its so cold with the UK winter weather but I'm going to use the work out as a way to warm my self up and keep fit. I want to do one cardio workout and one kettle bell work out, my kettle bell pictured is 4kg. Also we have gotten so lazy since having the car, we used to power walk to the post office to post out work everyday and now it's so easy to just jump in the car which makes it even easier to gain the extra lbs. I'm going to make a huge effort to walk to post this week.

Meditate regularly this week - Meditation isn't something I've ever done before but I hear it's an awesome way to destress, help with motivation and staying positive so therefore in going to search for guided meditation videos on YouTube and take those 20 minutes to meditate regularly and see how I get on.

So there you have it, my first 'shape up' week summary and my next 3 goals . Stephanie has done fantastic on her first week of her ' wellness for Christmas' challenge so be sure to head straight over to her blog to read all about her achievements this past week , her new goals and her scrummy looking Foodness posts. 

Hope your all having a fantastic week and I'll let you know how I got on in part 3 of my 'Shape up for Christmas' series! 

Thanks for reading!

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