

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Wishlist posts are my favourite type of posts to read and create myself. I love seeing what everyone else wants for Christmas or birthdays and always really enjoy putting my wishlists together. Obviously I do not expect everything off my wishlist but these are the items I'd absolutely love to receive this Christmas! 

I have heard so many great things about the Loreal True match foundation and having searched the web for which shade I'd need to match what I currently wear , Revlon colorstay foundation in Buff 150, I finally found that I'd need N1 Ivory. I got a sample and absolutely loved this foundation. 

As you may know I have gotten back into illustrating and especially fashion illustrations and I love the letraset pens for colouring my sketches. I could really do with the skin tones set as I only have two light skin pens at the moment and I'd love to be able to draw a range of skin shades. Obviously being a 'beauty' blogger I'd love some new makeup products as always hehe, the makeup revolution products look fantastic and I've spent a good half hour searching a load of their lipsticks in store. And for £1 each I cant resist adding these to my wishlist. 

I've always wanted a good electric tooth brush but never wanted to spend a whole load of money on one, but there are quite a few on offer at the moment to hopefully I can pick one up with my Christmas monies. The oral b white and clean looks awesome! Pjs, slippers and a new Yankee candle would make me and my home very comfortable and snug for the holidays and I'm really loving the candy cane lane scent at the moment, its perfect for the Christmas period. I know they can be very expensive but I'd also love some sort of box lighting system so that I can make the most of my new camera , the canon 700d. I knew when I got my camera for my birthday that lightning would be my next big purchase for my YouTube channel and would improve my videos a whole load as my lighting in my bedroom is awful especially when trying to film after work. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and new year! I will be posting my ' Shape up for Christmas #4' post tomorrow if your interested to see how I've gotten on in my collab with Stephanie be sure to check back here tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! What's on your Christmas wishlist?

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