

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Last Friday was my 23rd Birthday and it was so lovely! I will be doing a Full Birthday post with pictures from the day and also a Birthday present haul video on my YouTube channel very soon but for now I wanted to share with you my Birthday Outfit Of The Day. 

I knew when I went shopping for my outfit with Craig that I wanted dark grey skinny's as I haven't owned a dark grey pair before and love the Primark Skinny Jeans! They are so comfortable and only £7 so you cant really beat that price. I was looking for a nice top to wear and couldn't really find anything but when Craig spotted this t-shirt in the corner of the shop, I just knew I HAD to get it and for £6 I wasn't leaving it there!

I absolutely love Space and watching the International Space Station on live stream so this tee was definitely coming home with me. Its a roll sleeve tee and is , I think called a marl grey. It has the Bright Blue NASA logo on it which went really well with my royal blue pumps which I bought in the summer for £3. The pumps are faux suede and are so comfy. I also painted my nails with the Beauty UK Grit FX nail polish in the shade no.22 shoreditch which also matched perfectly.

I had a fantastic casual Birthday seeing all my friends and family in the day and being spoilt with amazing presents. Then in the evening Craig bought us a Chinese which we both hadn't had for over 2 years so it was super lush treat!

I hope you all like my Birthday OOTD and be sure to follow my blog and YouTube channel to be the first to see my Birthday Present Haul and post!

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