

Saturday, September 27, 2014

It really is true when Ben's Cookies* state their cookies are baked with chunks not chips....just look at the size of those chunks!!! These cookies are seriously the best cookies I've ever eaten in my life! I had researched Ben's Cookies a little while ago when my fiancé Craig said how much he used to love going to bath with his mum and remembered eating the best cookies ever and when we typed in 'cookies bath' Ben's came straight up on Google. As soon as Craig saw the logo and the size of the cookies it was the 90's again and we just HAD to get our hands on them! 

As you can see from the photos these cookies are HUGE and full of fantastic ingredients. We were lucky enough to get a box of 15 and we are struggling to eat them all as they are so big! But we will of course finish the whole lot over the next few days. The packaging states they should be eaten within 4 days so I think by then we would have well and truly enjoyed the whole box.The cookies arrived in this awesome bright red bag with the Ben's Cookies logo on and with a lovely gift tag also. I'm not sure if this parcel was specially gift wrapped or if all orders come like this one but its really nice packaging. 
Inside the bag was this box which is so heavy. The smell in the room as soon as you removed the box from the bag was unreal and smelt so fresh and lush!  We couldn't wait to get inside and start testing out the cookies and seeing if they where still as good as Craig remembered. 
I can honestly say these cookies are amazing! They are so delicious and filling. After half of the chocolate orange cookie I was so full, but still managed to stuff down half a oatmeal & Raisin cookie which has been my favourite so far AND half of a white chocolate & Cranberry Cookie. I may have OD'd on the cookies in such a short time with my coffee but they where so good and I wanted to try the different Flavours which as you can see from the image below, they have a gorgeous selection of cookies. They are so thick, soft and doughy not hard and brittle like some cookies can be.
Ben's Cookies have a whole load of stores all over the world from London to Singapore and I highly recommend if you see a Ben's Cookies store or you live in London and can get these delivered to your house to do so! They would make the best Christmas eve treat for the whole family and we will be sure to stock up when we are next in Bristol or Bath as those as the closest stores to Wales. I think a store in Cardiff would be fantastic and would do really well. 

The cookies are available in a tin of 8 cookies for £12.95 , a box of 15 for £15.95 and a box of 30 for £30 which is a £1 a cookie which is awesome value for the quality and size of these cookies. The flavours are really great as there's something for everyone. 

Ben's Cookies also have a Twitter and a Facebook page so be sure to check them out and give them a follow/like. 

Have you tried Ben's Cookies ? Which one is your favourite?

I hope your all having a great weekend!

*This post contains PR samples sent for review. 

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