

Sunday, August 24, 2014

*Watch in HD! *

The Questions -

1. Favourite TV show?
2. Favourite Toy?
3. Favourite Commercial ?
4. NSync or Backstreet Boys?
5. Weirdest Fashion Trend?
6. Favourite Collectables ?
7. Favourite Beanie Baby ?
8. How many Tamagotchi's did you go through?
9. Favourite Game Console + Game?
10. Favourite Disney Channel Original Movie?
11. Favourite Music Artist?
12. Favourite Nick Jr. show?
13. Favourite Candy?
14. Favourite Game (Board game, School game, etc.)?
15. Favourite McDonald's Happy Meal Toy?
16. Favorite Book?
17. Favorite Clothing Store?
18. What would you watch when you'd get home from school?

I tag...

Stephanie Eva - http://bit.ly/1wovrqg
Rudy - http://bit.ly/1znf0qw
Alice - http://bit.ly/1sPXpG2
Eleanor - http://bit.ly/1znf61m
Yoana - http://bit.ly/U8yAJf
Lowran - http://bit.ly/1kSgGRR
Jennifer - http://bit.ly/1BRHKf4
Makenta - http://bit.ly/1pVEEBJ
Nova - http://bit.ly/XJGA66

AND YOU!!! Yes YOU, Watching this video :) !!! x 

*Follow Me*
Twitter - @SophieJenner 
Instagram- @SophieJenner1

Hope you all having a fantastic bank holiday weekend!!!

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