Monday, July 14, 2014
Friday was Scottie's 3rd Birthday and this year I made Scottie & Jodie matching Top Hats and Bow Ties. Craig helped me take lots of pictures of him posing in his hat and bow tie and I think he looked so adorable. I crocheted the hat and bow ties following a super easy tutorial on YouTube. He didn't mind them at all and loved wearing the bow tie. Jodie being typical Jode HATED with a passion the top hat but wore the bow tie with no problems at all. So here are a few photos which if you follow me on instagram you may have already seen but for those of you who love a good picture heavy cat post then I hope you enjoy the pictures...
I cant believe he is 3 already! It feels like yesterday that Craig surprised me and told me he was getting me a Scottish fold for my 20th Birthday! Id wanted a Scottish fold for so long and we could never find any for sale and then we found Scottie and his little family and fell in love! He is so loving and kind, Jodie loves having him in our family too even if he does annoy her sometimes she loves him really!
I hope your all having a great start to your week!
Thanks for reading!