Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Vunk Wall Stickers now have a blog! I would love it if all of my lovely loyal subscribers/followers could all follow Vunk on Bloglovin'. They will have weekly room inspiration blog posts which will feature their amazing wall stickers , quirky accessories and promotions! If you can follow them on Bloglovin, Twitter and Instagram , I would really appreciate it as my fiance has been working so hard to relaunch the website and create awesome new wall sticker designs! Below are a few example blog posts from Vunk Wall Stickers...
If you love interior design, the Vunk Wall Stickers Blog will be perfect for you as there will be room inspiration ideas based on Vunk's Wall Stickers which will feature quirky home accessories to compliment the sticker and the theme.
Follow Vunk Wall Stickers on Bloglovin' by clicking here.
Follow Vunk Wall Stickers on Twitter by clicking here.
Follow Vunk Wall Stickers on Instagram by clicking here.
Thank you so much for reading!