
NAIL CANDY BY DONNE & GINNY GEER | 2014BloggerChallenge

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

 The third topic for the 2014 Blogger Challenge was kind of a hard topic for me as it was called 'Once Upon A Time' , and had to be about a book you've read. I'm a really bad book reader and Id love to say I read loads of book but I dont and never really have. I read so many blogs/news/showbiz posts everyday but I rarely pick up a book and read it...with that said I have recently been loving the book my friend Emily bought me for Christmas which is this nail art book by Donne & Ginny Geer called Nail Candy...

The book features 50+ Nail art designs and ideas with step by step guides on how to create the perfect manicure and nail art design. I love the colours of this book and think that its so visually pleasing, the nail art designs are awesome and there is a load of back to basics information from how to file your nails into different shapes to what tools a nail art enthusiast will need.
I'm so pleased Emily bought me this book as I'm so interested in nail art and can spend hours putting together a nail art design. I'm always doing my friends nails and can't wait to try out all of these designs on them! This book is perfect for beginners and even experienced nail artists as there is a ton of tips and facts that you pick up along the way which will help improve your nail art! 

Donne & Ginny Geer are sisters who have their own nail salon in California called Hey Nice Nails, which I would love to visit one day and now that I've read up about them a little its inspired me to keep working hard and carry on doing funky nail art designs no matter how crazy the design is as long as it makes me happy! :)

You can check out their website by clicking here .I hope you all enjoyed the 3rd instalment of the 2014 Blogger Challenge! 

Thanks for reading!

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