I Heart Drugstore Makeup Tag
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
What Is Your Favourite Drugstore Brand?
This question for me is easy to answer as I will have to go with which brand I constantly repurchase products from and really enjoy using and that is Rimmel London. As I mentioned in my Whats in my Make-up Bag Video the majority of my everyday make up is Rimmel. I love their mascaras, bronzers and their lipsticks are my all time FAV!
What Are Your Favourite Face, Cheek and Lip Products?
Favourite Face Products:
My favourite face products will have to be my Revlon ColourStay Foundation in the shade Buff and my newest edition to my foundation collection which is bourjois healthy mix foundation in the shade light Vanilla. I have chosen these two products as my fav's as I have never had such a good foundation as the Revlon Colourstay, its such a nice foundation, its build-able good coverage, light on my skin , long lasting and I have repurchased this foundation numerous times over the last 4 years and haven't tried another foundation since this summer which was the Bourjois Healthy mix.
I ventured out and purchased the Bourjois Healthy mix foundation a few weeks ago and I'm yet to make judgement on it as I really like it on my skin, it gives me a slightly dewy finish which i love the look of and it smells amazing on my face but I'm not sure about the longevity of this for all day use as its a little oilier on my skin after a few hours and doesn't seam to set on my face with powder either , I just look a little cakey around my nose area when i have over powdered to try and set it so it will last longer. And I feel too oily around my eye area after an hour or so also! So yeah, I'm not sure. I like it as it looks lovely and it is a nice foundation and a great colour match to my skin but I defo prefer the Revlon colourstay for all day use at the moment but I will write a full review post on this foundation once I have used it for a few weeks and in different weather conditions.
Favourite Cheek Products:
My Favourite Cheek product has to be this Accessorize Blushes in the shade Scandal as its a beautiful pink shade with a gold highlight init also which looks so nice on my cheeks and I have literally owned this blusher for two years now and I have used it nearly everyday and love it so much! I'm not sure if this blushes is available now as It was in a Christmas set a few years ago and when i looked for the link to it online there is an Accessorize blusher called Scandal with love which doesn't look as though its got the gold highlight in it.
Favourite Lip Products:
This Rimmel Lipstick in the shade Pink Blush has been my Favourite lipstick for around 4 years now and I have again worn it nearly everyday as part of my everyday make up routine as its the perfect nude/light blue toned pink shade and I love it! I'm not even that sure if blue toned light pinks are recommended to suit my skin tone as I'm very pale but I love it and love the shade it gives my lips as my lips are naturally dark red and I prefer them lighter and more pink.
I also love the new Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balms as they are amazing! The one I have is Pink Punch and It smells just ridiculously LUSH! The colour pay off for a lip balm is really good and It suprised me how lovely the shade was on my lips, it looks very similar to my fav lipstick Pink Blush on my lips.
Maybelline Baby Lips Pink Punch
Least Favourite Product?
As I said in my YouTube video this lipstick I asked for off my mum for Christmas years ago thinking I was asking for the Pink Blush but I was mistaken and I actually received this which is Rimmel Nude Pink. It has a satin shimmery finish which at the time I was not into at all and it is completely different from Pink Blush as Pink Blush has no shimmer at all.
Rimmel Pink Blush | Rimmel Nude Pink
I have swatched them above side by side for you to see the difference between the two and in the picture Nude Pink actually looks more on the coral side than nude.
What Is The Best Makeup Bargain?
My best Makeup Bargain has to be these Sinful Colours Nail polshies as they are fantastic nail polishes with an amazing shade selection, awesome long lasting finish and they are £1.99 or 99p in Poundland. BARGAIN!
What is your Favourite Underdog Product?
(Something you love that often gets overlooked)
(Something you love that often gets overlooked)
Rimmel London : Pink Blush | Nude Pink | Nude Delight | Shake-up Pink | Coral | Kate Moss #01
For my underdog product I chose the Rimmel Lipsticks in general as I love them all and I think they get over looked quite a bit. They are super affordable and they have so many different ranges with lots of beautiful shades to suit so many different skin tones. Rimmel keep getting better and better with their lip products as they have also just launched the Rimmel apocalips lip lacquer's which are awesome also!
A Drugstore Product that is Overpriced?
This balance me tinted lip salve was free in a glamour magazine recently and It is a lovely product but I think it retails at around £12 which I would not be paying for a tinted lip salve and I think as there are so many similar products on the market which are a lot cheaper, this product is hugely over priced for the drugstore. I feel the the Maybelline Baby Lips lip balms are much more moisturizing and leave my lips so hydrated and smooth for a very long time!
Show Us Your Best Drugstore Dupe(s)!
Collection Pink Shock | Mac Candy Yum Yum
As I dont own Candy Yum Yum I cant say 100% that the collection lipstick in Pink Shock is a dupe for CYY but I have seen on a lot of blogs and youtube videos that state that it is a dupe and I love it! My friend has the CYY and she said that the collection is spot on and is a much more affordable version of CYY.
Rimmel Nude Delight | Mac Shy Girl
Same as above I dont own Mac's Shy Girl but i have also heard that Rimmel Nude Delight is a dupe for it and it does look pretty similar in the photographs above and swatches online that other people have done side by side.
Revlon Smokey Canvas | OPI Did You Ear' About Van Gogh
This for me is my best dupe and as I own both polishes I can say 100% that they are complete dupes of each other. Revlon is much more affordable than OPI and the shade they both have is so nice! Its a neutral beige colour which may seen quite boring but it is so flattering on so many skin tones and I get the most compliments on my nails when wearing these shades as they are so unusual.
Drugstore Product That Isn't Worth The Hype?
I would love to be raving about this product like so many people online do but I just cant seam to get it to work for me like it works for everyone else. It is great in my oilier areas but as soon as its on the dry areas of my face it over cakes and sticks which makes my dry patches look awful. It also doesn't set under my eyes well at all and creases with my concealer/foundation under my eyes and makes me look 20 yrs older than my 22 years which is extremely annoying!
If you have any suggestions on how I should apply this powder or any tips for me to start enjoying it like everyone else does I would really appreciate it! or if you have the same issues with this powder as I do and you have found a good powder to set your make up with please let me know, Im defo on the hunt for a new powder which works well for me.
I Tag -
Please check out their channels and subscribe as their channels are awesome and you will love their videos.
Thank you Alice for tagging me to do this Tag Video , I really enjoyed it! Also please check out Alice's channel and her blog and subscribe/follow.
I hope you enjoyed this post and the video!
Thanks for reading!