Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint | Key Lime |

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Today I have a review for you of the Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in the shade Key Lime. I Bought this Nail Polish a few weeks ago and wanted to try it out a few times before I made any rash judgement on it but now that I have tested it out I'm ready to let you know what I think of the Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paints. 

I Bought this polish at my local boots for £3.99 which I think is an affordable price for a polish which states to have a 'Gelly Hi-Shine' finish and the lasting power. I can say that I'm very heavy on my finger nails and normal nail polishes with or without a top coat chip off in about a day and normally chip or peel off whole nail at a time not even little chunks, which is extremely annoying! 

But this polish has lasted me a good 3 days without chipping at all and then lasted me 5 days with minimal chipping to the corners of my nails.  This for me is a good result and I can say that I am extremely impressed with this nail polish 'gel' like formula.

 Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Key Lime | Picture taken with flash | Straight after painting | 

I Love this shade and think its a very unusual bright green. Its not grass green as some brands have made its as the name states a Lime green which I would describe as a Kermit the Frog green. I normally get bored with all my nails painted the same shade and switch it up a bit by adding in another polish on odd nails but this one I love all over my nails as its such a statement shade.

 Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Key Lime | Picture taken in daylight | 2 days after painting | 

I will definitely be buying more of these Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine polishes as they have a fantastic shade range and I already have my eye on a few of them .They are so different from any shades I've seen in a while from other brands which is great. Below are the shades I will be purchasing next. 

Please let me know in the comments below which of the Gelly Hi-Shine Polishes are your Fav's, Id love to know!

Thanks for reading!

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