
Fragrance Direct New Products

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Last weekend I received these products from FragranceDirect.co.uk , they were kind enough to send me some more products to review and I'm so pleased with products that I have received. 

I will be making a Fragrance Direct haul Video soon which will be on my YouTube channel , But I will also be posting individual products reviews on each product so that you can get a good idea what I think of them. I have also linked all the products below so that you can click straight to Fragrance Direct's Website and browse their amazing product range yourself! 

The products I received where - 

Rimmel Apocalips Lip Lacquer - Celestial

I tried put the products as soon as they arrived and I have to say fragrance direct are such a fantastic company, all of the products I've received from them have been in perfect condition and have all arrived so quickly in the post.

Their costumer service is really good and the whole team is a pleasure to deal with. I'm not being biased as these products where sent to me, but I really do think fragrance direct are brilliant and is such a great website for fragrance and cosmetics at great prices! 

I can't wait to share with you my thought on each product as they all are really nice cosmetics and the Nicki Minaj perfume is lovely for summer! 

Thanks for reading!


Disclaimer - I am not being sponsored or payed by any company to mention products in my videos or blog posts and all products mentioned have been bought with my own money. Any posts/products marked with an * are products I have been sent to review and I have given my honest opinion of any products mentioned. I am also not being payed or sponsored to mention any company's promo codes or offers, I just get a lot of cosmetic offers in my emails and like to share the great deals i find with you all. 

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