Weight Watchers!
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
I hope you are all having a great start to July! I cannot believe its July already! This year as always is flying by so fast and it feels like we have had no summer here in Wales at all yet!
I just wanted to ask if any of my followers would be interested in some Weight Watchers Posts as I have been doing Weight Watchers now for 13 weeks, wooohoo! I didn't ever think I would stick to it for this long as its my first ever 'Diet'. I think the only reason I have stuck to WW is that its not really a diet its more of a lifestyle change for me. When I decided to start WW , I really didn't think I would loose any weight as I wasn't familiar with the whole WW system and was so stuck in a rut with my weight. I didn't feel comfortable in any of my clothes anymore and was hiding my weight under my coat as it was winter but on a boiling hot day in April the thought of summer made me decide I had to do something to loose weight.
So after seeing my friend Laura loose a lot of weight doing weight watchers and me being amazed by it ,she kindly told me everything I needed to know about weight watchers and lent me all her books from her weekly meetings. Craig helped me loads to get started as well as I was stuck on how to work out the points in certain foods and the weight of my portions. He encouraged me to start weight watchers as it was the only diet his mum had done and lost a lot of weight on so he thought it would be a good way for me to loose weight. I really couldn't have done weight watchers with out Craig and Laura helping me get started as I was clueless and rubbish at working out points and the maths behind it all lol!
So my plan was after the grand national weekend ( April 5th) to start on the Monday (April 8th) , well long story short we got locked inside my dads house with no keys for 2.5 hours and once we were out I caved and ate crisps and a cream doughnut so Instead of setting off on the wrong foot, I decided to start the next day, So Tuesday 9th April. So since then I have been having 26 weight watchers points a day along with my 49 extra weekly points when I need them. Most people save their 49's for drink on a weekend or a treat night but as I don't drink I have just been having a few of my 49's most days and being left at the end of the week with some 49's left over, which is good! My weigh night is 7pm Tuesday every week with Craig as my adjudicator.
As the weeks go on though if I want to reach my ultimate weight loss goal I will have to cut off my 49 extra points and only eat 26 a day which will be fine as I do treat myself daily at the moment to a little something for a few of my 49 points :)
I wasn't going to make a weight watchers post until I had lost some weight, so now that I have lost over a stone and I'm still going towards my weight goal , I would love to share my weight watchers experience with you all. So let me know if you would like some more weight watchers posts and updates and If it would help you at all and I will get posting!
I hope you like this post!
Thank you for reading!