
Rose Nail Art

Sunday, July 28, 2013
I filmed a video tutorial today for this pretty rose and stripes nail art. I really enjoyed filming this nail art as its really easy and great for beginners. The rose design looks so much harder to paint than it is and I always get so many compliments when I wear this design on my nails.  ...


REV UK Wishlist #1

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
As you can see I have found yet another clothing store online with some great fashion pieces that have caught my eye. ...


Ijustine So So Happy Hoodie Inspired Nails

Monday, July 22, 2013
asda george

OOTD - Summer #1

Thursday, July 18, 2013
Im going to start doing regular Outfit of the day posts and I just wanted to share with you my Outfit of the day #1 for summer, as its boiling weather here at the moment and its so nice to finally be getting summer! ...


What I ate - My Typical day - Weight Watchers

Monday, July 15, 2013
Hello, I thought it would be interesting and helpful to anyone doing weight watchers or thinking about starting weight watchers , to see what I eat/ate on a typical day doing weight watchers.  ...


Scottie's 2nd Birthday!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013
It was my Scottie's 2nd birthday Thursday so as I did last year , I made him and Jodie birthday hats and I have to admit last year they weren't too pleased with the hats but this year they weren't bothered at all! They both looked super cute and posed for many photos as I just had to instagram/tweet/blog all about it! So...



Paramore Still Into You Inspired Nail Art

Monday, July 15, 2013
(Not my image) Hello! I hope you have all had a fantastic weekend! The weather here is boiling!! Its soo hot , I think we are finally getting summer!! wooo about time!!!  Anyway, Here is a picture of my Paramore Still Into You Inspired Nails that I painted a few weeks ago.  As you can see from the picture and Video above, I...


FragranceDirect.co.uk Beauty Haul / Review *

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Disclaimer - I am not being sponsored or payed by any company to mention products in my videos or blog posts and all products mentioned have been bought with my own money. Any posts/products marked with an * are products I have been sent to review and I have given my honest opinion of any products mentioned. I am also not being payed...



Weight Watchers!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013
I hope you are all having a great start to July! I cannot believe its July already! This year as always is flying by so fast and it feels like we have had no summer here in Wales at all yet! I just wanted to ask if any of my followers would be interested in some Weight Watchers Posts as I have been...

