My New MAC 187 Brush Has Arrived!!!
Friday, March 22, 2013
In the background - My Old Faulty MAC 187SE Stippling Brush
Foreground- My New Beautiful MAC 187 stippling Brush
So...I have been having a bit...well a lot of trouble with my MAC 187 Duo Fibre Stippling Brush that i had for Christmas a few years ago. From the first time I used it , it has shed loads of hairs all over my face when i use it to apply my foundation. It was getting very infuriating and i had stopped using this brush as i just couldn't stand picking all the small and long hairs off of my face. I started using my fingers and a cheaper foundation brush from boots and after thinking about it for a while I decided to contact MAC and ask them if this was normal for the brush to shed.
After waiting 4 weeks for a reply from costumer services and 3x speaking with online help, who said they would pass my complaint onto consumer care and i would hear from someone asap! I didn't and after 4 weeks i finally got a reply from someone asking me what my issue with the brush was.
I then emailed them back letting them know exactly what was happening when i applied my foundation and after another week of waiting to hear back from them, I finally got an email letting me know that a new MAC 187 Brush was on its way in the post and that they were sorry for this fault.
And here it is...
I haven't used it yet as literally the door bell has just gone and ive been dancing around the room with it since lol
I am beyond happy with the quality of this brush on first inspection compared to my old MAC 187, I'm not sure if they are made differently as my old one was part of a Christmas brush set but it seams like a completely different brush.
If i hadn't have actually stood in my local MAC shop where my original MAC brush was bought then i would have questioned it and thought it was a fake as its nothing like this new MAC 187.
So overall I'm happy with it at first glance and will let you know how i get on with this new one and if it sheds like my other one i will most probs be back on the complaints line to MAC as It's not a cheap company and if a cheap foundation brush is better for applying you makeup than a £32 brush then there is a problem..Clearly!
Thanks for reading!