
Lacura Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Night Cream

Friday, March 01, 2013

Today as I was doing my weekly food shopping at ALDI I spotted the Lacura Q10 Anti-Wrinkle Renew Night Cream for £1.99. Lacura do a day and a night cream in the renew range and at £1.99 each for 50ml of product,I just couldn't leave it on the shelf.

I realise that I probably don't need an anti wrinkle cream just yet as I am only 21 but I want to start taking care of my skin and prevent wrinkles early lol. Since turning 21 I have been a little paranoid about fine lines which are probably non existent on my face at the moment but it wont hurt to start preventing them now.

So anyway I have wanted an anti-ageing/wrinkle cream to apply before I go to sleep after I have washed and cleansed my face for a while and I thought at just under £2 I may as well try this one out.  

The packaging is that of an expensive cream and i really cant see how they are able to make this product and sell it for so little but it smells lovely and I'm hoping it does the job too!

I will let you know how I get on with this cream as I found that I broke out massively using the No7 day and night creams, so I will let you know after a few weeks what I think of the product and how my skin has improved, if it does. 

I also cant stand greasy products on my face so it will be interesting to see how this product feels on my skin and if I like it I will be purchasing the day cream also. I find night creams are always more oily/greasy than the day creams therefore I figured if I liked this one I will most probably like the day cream.

I will keep you informed but it should be a good cream as its won loads of awards and a lot of magazines rave about it so we will see.

Let me know if you have tried this cream and what you thought of it.

Thanks for reading!

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