How I Dye My Hair Red
Saturday, February 23, 2013
My hair on my 21st Birthday - Dyed with Majicontrast Red.
This post is an update on how I get my hair red. I posted a few years ago about how I dyed my hair red as I was getting a lot of comments on my hair and the colour. I used to use various Schwartzkopf XXL red permanent colours on my hair but after 3 years of having my hair red and constantly wanting it brighter and brighter, I decided I was either going to have to bleach my hair to blonde and then colour it a red or not have it as bright as I wanted. The bleach option I really wanted to try as I had seen many people do it that way and it was what I wanted but in the long run the bleach would have wrecked my hair and as my hair is so long and thick my mum ( who is a hairdresser) was adamant she was NOT going to bleach it for me to get it bright red.
After lot of research and watching loads of 'Rihanna Red Hair' videos on YouTube, I found that I did not have to bleach my hair to get it brighter than I had already. I had watched a few videos where people where using colours on their hair which kind of had bleach in them so instead of bleaching your hair first then colouring it red, the colour was a mix of colour and bleach and lifts your natural colour whilst colouring it red. This seamed a much better idea as i wasn't going to convince my mum to bleach it for me. She had a look into the colour and we decided to give the L'Oreal Majicontract Red a go.
I bought the Majicontrast Red from my local Sally's Express and It retails at £10.00 for a 50ml tube. I had to buy 2 of these as my hair is so long. My mum gets discount in Sally's as she has a trade card with them so it was a little cheaper. But this colour is a colour that would be used in a salon hence why it is more expensive than a box colour like Schwartzkopf . She then also bought a creme peroxide which was 9% 30vol. Im not sure on how much she mixes as i am not a professional but she then mixed some creme peroxide with the Majicontrast and starts applying it to my roots.
As my roots are a natural brown colour it takes longer to lift my natural colour than it does my faded old red lengths of my hair. After say 20 minutes approx with the colour on my roots she then applies the rest of the colour to my lengths and ends of my hair.
The results of this where WOW! I was so pleased with how much it had lifted my hair colour and it was a really nice bright red. Still not as bright as if i had bleached it as that would be dying a red over white bleach blonde hair so would definitely be brighter but its the brightest my hair has ever been without actually bleaching it blonde before hand.
I definitely reccomend trying this method on your hair if you want to get brighter red hair than a box colour can give you. If your hair is naturally blonde or a lighter brown than mine then your results would be as if you had bleached it and would be as I call 'Rihanna Red' or 'Jodie Marsh' red hair.
Please note that I am not a professional hair dresser, my mum is and she is the one who dyes my hair for me. Please always ask the sales assistant when buying any hair colour and creme peroxide what % vol you should buy for your hair. I used the 30vol peroxide as my hair is naturally brown and blondes wouldn't need this high a creme peroxide.
I will be dyeing my hair again soon as I have BAD roots and need to redo my whole head of red :) so as I'm Filming more regularly now on Youtube I will record a video next time I'm getting my hair done so you can see exactly what I mean. And I will explain in another post and video how I maintain my red and wash it without it fading as much.
Thank you so much for reading and I will blog again soon!