
Blue & Silver Nail Art

Saturday, February 23, 2013

This is a photo from a few weeks ago. I was trying out my new VIVO nail polish in the shade Some Day and my black and silver nail art pens from Primark. 

I was really impressed with the VIVO nail polish  Its really quick drying and Lasted almost a week without top coat as I find my Seche Vita top coat just peels my nail polish off after a day ( if that! ). The VIVO nail polish also is super cheap! I think it was £1. 

I decided to do a leopard print on my pinky, a silver rhinestone design on my 4th finger, silver polka dots on my middle finger, a chevron design on my index finger and black zebra print on my thumb.

I really liked this nail art as its Funky and the VIVO in Some Day is such a nice shade of blue/teal ,  its like a Tiffany & co  blue colour. 

Hope you like it!



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