
My Birthday Tomorrow woooo!

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Its my birthday tomorrowww!! wooo I cant wait , there's been lots of secretive chats between my boyfriend and my friends about prezzies an I just cant wait now to open my lovely gifts and see what they are ! wooo and ill do a haul post :) x I love my boyfriend Craig loadssss and hes gone to a lot of effort sorting little bits and bobs and present shopping and i only have to wait 14 more hours to open my prezzies and have birthday cuddles with my snuggles ( Craig) .

The plans are to have my family over our house in the day and then our bestest friends over in the night for food and funtimes :) x Also cant wait to open my presents of my friends as they have been so secretive and all ive heard is ' you'll love it ' for about a month now and i just want it to be now lol :) x
Speak to you all soon , ive been a little slow posting lately and haven't uploaded my videos as promised as its not only my birthday around this time of year its also my dads, my boyfriends sisters , and my boyfriends dads lol so busy times atm :) x
Thanks for reading !
Sophie-Lou x

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