Surprise Baby Shower!
Friday, July 16, 2010

Tuesday was Katie my best Friends surprise baby shower which was great but was sooo hard to keep a secret as were all so close and talk everyday so it was v.hard not to slip up :) but we pulled it off and she was very surprised! Lesley Katie's mum arranged it all and then Emily her sister arranged for then to come over to mine and Craig's house for an hour or 2 until everyone had arrived at her mums house and when they were all there Lesley rang and told us she had made food for us all lol. We got in the car and drove over to Lesley's house and Katie walked straight in to all her friends and family shouting SURPRISE! at her and she was so shocked lol was so funny , she didn't have a clue :)
Once everyone had eaten some of the buffet we all sat around in a big circle and watched Katie open all her beautiful presents for the baby, it was like Christmas. Everything she had was so cute and perfect for her little baby boy who is due to arrive on the 5Th of August :) wooohoo cant wait to meet her Lil man! :) She had loads of clothes, toys, toiletries, shoes, a gorgeous moses basket which is from the mother care range my jungle family which is SO lush and a matching baby bath with matching towel aw its all so cute.
Me and Craig's presents were both home/hand made :) Craig's was a massive giraffe from his website wall stickers which is yet to be put up on the wall but as soon as its installed ill blog a picture for you all to see as its awesome and huge. Perfectly matching all the jungle family baby stuff! My present was handmade Baby Bibs which i made over 2 days and i designed them on the computer , printed the prints off and then i laminated the prints using clear vinyl from Craig's office (thanks Craig ) and binded the edges with bright colours to match the baby's stuff as well. Ive also got no pictures of these either so when i take a picture of them next ill definitely blog it so you all can see :) Theres also a few pictures above of isabelle who is sarah's lovely baby girl who loved the presents so much she couldnt resist getting in and trying them out lol shes so funny!
After all the presents had been open we all played measure the bump, were everyone gets a measuring tape ribbon and estimates how big they think Katie's bump is, once everyone has their ribbon you measure them around Katie and the bump and see who's closest to the actual size and the winner gets a prize :) My tape was way off lol despite me cheating and hugging Katie to get a measurement ha ha but the winner was Steve Katie's mums partner and he got the amazing prize of a banana with a bow on :) lol x
Above are some pictures from Katie's Baby shower and i hope you enjoy reading this post as much as we enjoyed surprising Katie :) x
Thanks for reading ,
Sophie-Lou x