
Day out in the country...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sunday Craig and I went for a nice summers drive with our best friends Katie and Emily :) and stopped at our fav country pub the Chainbridge, Ive mentioned the Chainbridge before as its soo lovely we go there when its nice and sunny for a nice cold drink. There is a camp site there as well which we will be staying at probable last this summer or next summer as at the moment were all eagerly awaiting Katie's baby boy Logan's arrival :) yay! so when hes here and settled we will take a camping trip with everyone :) x There was also Shetland ponies at the Chainbridge which we all had a stroke of and let them nuzzle our flat hands lol he he was so funny as katie hadn't stroked any type of horse before so it was exciting :) x
Below Ive uploaded some pictures of our lovely day :) x
Hope you enjoyed reading this post,

Sophie-Lou x

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