Our present to Katie for her baby shower was a wall sticker of a lovely giraffe from http://www.vunk.co.uk/ . Its sooo cute x and looks great looking over the cot so that the giraffe with be constantly watching over the baby aww so cute x she loved the present and it goes with her whole jungle themed baby room , and its nearly...
iLast night we had a chill tv pizza night with Craig Katie and I and it was the same day that i had just painted my nails the black and grey nail art and katie loved them so i treated her to her to a manipedi and did her nails and her toes in the same style nail art as my Resent NOTD...
Today I was wearing my black linen trousers with my roxy black n grey print Tee and aa grey longline waistcoat cardi and to match i decided to tie in some back grey silver n glitter flicks nails on my fingers and toes :) This nail art was so quick and easy its kinda zebra print but more just flicks , its ideal...
These are the baby bibs that I made for my best friend katie as she is due to drop anytime now and we al cant wait to meet him. These were her present off my and Craig and she loved them x I made them myself from scratch , I got the template of the bibs online and then printed out my chosen...
Sunday Craig and I went for a nice summers drive with our best friends Katie and Emily :) and stopped at our fav country pub the Chainbridge, Ive mentioned the Chainbridge before as its soo lovely we go there when its nice and sunny for a nice cold drink. There is a camp site there as well which we will be staying at...
Hello girlies, here is My award that i made today for 1 lucky followers! I made this award with one of my own photographs which i tookthe other day in my garden :) I hope you like this award and hopefully with the help of you lovely followers if your awarded with this award you may pass it on and share this award.The...
Today I saw a ladys toe nails in a shop and they had this great nail art on them which caught my eye :) i liked it so much instead of asking where she had it done or if she had done it herself i decided to copy it on my toes lol :) x So here are my Black & Yellow with...
Todays Nail Of The Day is Tangerine Queen by Rimmel london I Love Lasting Finish! Its a beautiful bright orange nail polish which is VERY long lasting hense the name. Its a great example of a great lasting vibrant nail polish as it goes on very smooth and easily with a square shape brush and only takes 2 coats for maximum colour vibrancy...
Tuesday was Katie my best Friends surprise baby shower which was great but was sooo hard to keep a secret as were all so close and talk everyday so it was v.hard not to slip up :) but we pulled it off and she was very surprised! Lesley Katie's mum arranged it all and then Emily her sister arranged for then to come...
helllooo everyone i hope every one's enjoying the summeerr!! The weathers soo nice here its like being on holiday literally :)This is just a quick post to ask my lovely followers what they want to see more of on my blog, as I'm off now until i decide what to do with my life lol ie. collage? then Ive got lots of time...
Warning Long (but interesting) post below! =] Aww how i love being finished with school I've got so much time now to just do all my hobbies :)I was delighted to find myself tagged by the lovely May at XSMIRAGE ! So thank you very much for tagging me. The way this tag works is the person who tags you makes 8 questions...
Here are a few pictures from my Art final show which is a presentation of every ones work over the last 2 years. My work is more practical and now drawn so my display was lacking paintings but full of my little sock animals :) x Every ones drawings , paintings and displays were fantastic and Its hard to believe that some of...