
My first award :) yay!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WoooHooo I've won an award from the lovely Sarah Hope over at Confessions of a Trendaholic Yay! thanks so much sarah for passing this award on to me im sooo happyyy!! =] Click on her name or blog title to check out her blog its great! and be sure to follow follow follow her aswell :) x

Rules of this award are:

1. Thanks the person who gave this award to you.- thank yooouuu Sarah!

2.Copy the award and put it on your blog.

3.List 3 things which you love about your self.

4.Post a picture you love.

5.Tag 5 people you wish to pass this award on to.

3 Things about meeee...

1.Im madley in love with my boyfriend Craig :) and he is the most amaizing person in the world and makes me sooo happy! and we've been together 31/2 years this month woooo! and we live in our lovely lil house in a small beautiful village in wales with a gorgeouse lil girlie jodie ( Mrs paws) who's our house cat ( more like a low maintanance baby as she has no cat instincts at all lol) who we both love very very much . :) x

2.Im obsessed with all things Paris as its the best place in the world and craig took me there for my 18th birthday last year which was amazing so thanks again craig! My bedroom is paris, my nails are paris, my best memories are in paris, my jewelry is paris and im even thinking about getting a paris inspired small tattoo :) x

3.I love making things from sock animals to dresses lol i just love to sew. I have a great Frister Rossman Cub 3 which is a small nifty sewing machine which i baught out of my 12th birthday money but didnt really use untill last year and i love it. Its held up through a lot of late nights rushing to get my work done for school and i would reccomend getting a Frister Rossman Cub if your looking to buy one yourself.

This is my fav picture which i made a few weeks ago on Photoshop of Craig and I's trip to paris for my birthday! I made this completely from scratch and i used photoshop brushes to print the eiffel tower on top of the photos. The pictures are the pictures that caputure exactly how amazing our trip to paris was, we saw mainly all the sites ,we didnt stop walking for 4 days but it was all worth the ache legs to see the amazing sites :) . Love Paris loads, and Love craig loads more :) x

And my final thing to do is to pass this award on to 5 lovely bloggers who deserve this award...


L.F make-up




Check out these blogs as they are all great and really deserve this award so well done girlies and also be sure to follow them :) x

Thanks again Sarah!

Sophie-lou x

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