
Fathers Day!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Yesterday in the UK it was fathers day and my dad is just the best dad in the world so Craig , My brother Robert and I Treated him to a lovely drive in the Countryside to get to one of our favourite Pubs The ChainBridge Inn. Its a lovely place to sit by the river and have a nice cold drink and as me and craig dont drink its a nice cold COKE! yumm nothing better in the sun! and... I baught my dad a Golf shirt and gold shoe tightner thingy to go with his present off my brother, a day at the celtic manor resort golfing! as you can imagine my Dad was chuffed with the presents as the Celtic manor resort is where the Rider Cup is being held in september and with his snazey new shirt aswell he can now look smart whilst playing golf :) x

He really is the most amazing dad anyone could wish for, he's always there for me and he's become one of my best friends in life!

Love you loads dad!

x Sophie-lou x

Above are a few photos from yesterday and one of the celtic manor resort for those of you who dont know what that is :)

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