
All Things Pink!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Today besides Revision arghh!! I painted my nails in the garden as it was such lovely hot sunny weather :) I painted them a rasberry pink colour which i only like with my nails short and square, any longer than they are in the photos and personally i think this colour would look old fashioned. This colour also matched perfectly to my earings...


cetic manor resort

Fathers Day!

Monday, June 21, 2010
Yesterday in the UK it was fathers day and my dad is just the best dad in the world so Craig , My brother Robert and I Treated him to a lovely drive in the Countryside to get to one of our favourite Pubs The ChainBridge Inn. Its a lovely place to sit by the river and have a nice cold drink and...



My 2nd award woooohoo!

Friday, June 18, 2010
Yay i got another award this time its a 'Stylish Blogger Award' and i got this from my fellow blogger over at L.F Make-up so thank youuu so much girlie! The rules of this award are :State 5 Random facts about yourself and tag 5 bloggers!Things about me...1. Im madly in love with craig!!!! 2. I have a nail varnish collection of just...


Nail art

Paris French Manicure...

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Today i decided to try the paris eiffel tower nail art in silver on a french manicure. i think it looks ok but im not 100% happy with the towers yet as its only my second attempt at this nail art and on my self it was a lot harder also i used silver which was harder to work with than thhe black...



My first award :) yay!

Thursday, June 17, 2010
WoooHooo I've won an award from the lovely Sarah Hope over at Confessions of a Trendaholic Yay! thanks so much sarah for passing this award on to me im sooo happyyy!! =] Click on her name or blog title to check out her blog its great! and be sure to follow follow follow her aswell :) x Rules of this award are:1. Thanks...



My Perfume Collection...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hey Girlie's, I have decided to discuss and review my perfume collection with you all as one of my fellow blogger recently asked for advice from us readers on our summer Perfume choices. Ive collected a few perfumes over the last year or so and I didn't used to be into having perfume as a present at Christmas but since my trip to...


ashley tisdale

My Youtube Videos...

Monday, June 14, 2010
Here are a few of my Youtube videos from last year which i thought you might like to see as you may not have seen them on my channel . I've got nail tutorials, hair tutorials and make up tutorials :) Excuse the shape on my nails in these videos as they are a few years old now and i used to be...



Paris Nail Art...

Friday, June 11, 2010
Today i was bored and as Paris is the fashion theme of this summer at the moment i decided to do Paris inspired nail art, which for a first time attempt I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. As in the pictures above the blue nails didn't look as good but i absolutely love love love the Paris red nail and the...



Brown smokey eye...

Thursday, June 10, 2010
This is the eye make up look that im wearing on the pictures of my new hair colour :) i used...Face- Revlon colour stay foundaion, Rimmel face bronzer, Rimmel blusher quad.Eyes- the dark brown eye shadow from my newly discovered eye pallet, (pictures above)Asda George eye liner cream pencil, smudged out useing my MAC 219SE, maybelline the colossal volume express mascara which is...



Schwarzkopf Live Hair Colour...

Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Wooooohooo eventually coloured my hair today yay! its been in desperate stage for a while now but i just haven't had the time or money to get it done, so since Ive got a little time off now until revision starts again Monday :( i decided to go buy the colour and Craig came to my rescue and coloured it for me. Its...



NOTD: Rimmel London Sunrise...

Wednesday, June 09, 2010
(The first product picture doesn't really do it justice as its off google images)Following on from my coral summer make up look yesterday i decided to file my nails short before they start looking like claws because they are so long and paint them a beautiful coral colour to match my summer make up look :) This nail polish i fell in love...



Summer Coral!

Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Click the image to see this tutorial clearly :) Today I've done a coral summer make-up look. I wore this look out to a BBQ on the weekend and i loved how summery and pretty it is, its not too over powering for a casual BBQ either its just perfect for an outside summer day/night event. I found this eyeshadow pallet at my...


nail polish

NOTD: Rimmel London 60seconds...

Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Here is my first Nail Of The Day! and I'm wearing the Rimmel London 60seconds nail polish in the shade 819 Green With Envy. Its got a new Nouveau pro-cision brush for easier application , it only takes one coat as well which is great as there's not many nail polishes that are one coat to get the intense colour anymore and it...



Yay! my comments are working now :)

Sunday, June 06, 2010
YAY!, I finally figured out how to get my comments section working with this new template :) I'm so glad as you have all just started following me and couldn't leave any comments which was pointless because i really want to hear what you all have to say !Feel free to leave me a few comments on my posts girlie's :P thanks x...



Thank You Followers!

Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Hello ,i just wanted to say thanks for recently deciding to follow me :) I'm so glad that my posts will finally be read :) yay! Also i realise that my comments aren't working under my posts which is rather annoying as i would love to hear from you but the template that i have on my blog currently doest allow comments arghh!...

