ashlee simpson


Thursday, January 28, 2010
Today i was bored so i decided to do a ashlee simpson inspired make up look :) I didnt do heavy eyeliner though but i didnt top liner and smudged it out with my mac pencil brush :)Hope you like x xSLJx ...



Make over !!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My best est mate Kate :) rhyme lol , doesn't need a make over at all she is naturally beautiful but i was bored and wanted to use my new mac brush sets on someone other than myself :) No Photoshop editing on face at all just editing of background.In the picture above i have used the mac brush set special edition,-Do the...



Toy Story 2 3D

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Craig, Katie and I went to the cinema yesterday to watch Toy Story 2 3D which was really good. We had to wear the silly glasses ( photo above) and it was fun ! We all had huge hot dogs and lots of munchies for the film. Review time...The film was really good but i was a little let down by the amount...



Max Update!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
As i have already blogged about Katie's kitten max this blog is an update on how he has grown and some NEWS!!Katie has just found out she is soon to be expecting her first child :) were all so chuffed for her! , Craig and I are so excited because she honored us with the question of being God Parents to him/her when...



Christmas Time!!

Monday, January 04, 2010
Christmas was realkly amazing! Craig and I got the most perfect tree and it was decorated with lush decorations which i love! its still up now but its coming down tomorrow and im not very happy about it as i just love it its so happy and pretty!We were both very spolit and got everything we wanted and more, my main present off...

