
JML Halogen oven

Friday, November 27, 2009

Craig and I purchased a JML halogen oven from ASDA the other week for £58. We were so chuffed with it because we haven't had oven food since we moved house and had been living on microwave meals, which for a week or two were yummy but after 4 months were just blahhh!!! ...before we could try it out our house cat Jodie (i stress the words house cat as she is a total baby and has NOO cat instincts lol), took a liking to it as well (pictures above).
Anyways the oven is great! cooks very well but you do have to adjust the cooking times to a normal oven as its halogen lit and will cook much faster.
There are two things which i haven't liked with the oven but i would still say buy as its so quick and easy to use and clean.
1- The oven comes with tongs to help you get the trays out of the oven which are hinged with a plastic handle. Craig being Craig (neat and tidy) put the two trays and the tongs in the oven once it had cooled down after the 1st night of use. I didn't realise they were in the oven the next day and set it to a 200 degrees preheat. after 5mins came back to put my food in the oven and realised i had melted the tongs handle. (silly me). -so be careful when tidying up and don't preheat your tongs lol.
2- The ovens lid is where the heat comes from so when you have finished cooking your food , you take the lid off and get your food out...only thing is where will you put your scorching hot lid? on your kitchen top? NOOO as this will seriously melt your kitchen surfaces. We have resorted to using a metal fruit bowl as a stand lol. So this is a fault with the design as it could be better with a hinged lid or a stand for the lid.

Happy cooking if you get a JML Halogen oven!

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