PS...Matte Lip Swatches & Review
Friday, October 21, 2016
Now it's no secret how much I LOVE lipsticks and especially the matte / velvet matte kind. So you can imagine my delight at spotting that Primark now have a range of both matte liquid lipsticks AND velvet matte lip crayons. I picked up my first one a few weeks ago which was Hustle, a 90s tone brownie nude which I loved and it felt so amazing on my lips. I couldn't wait to go back with more birthday money and pick up a load more.
As I say in my video repeatedly the formula of the velvet matte crayons feel phenomenal on the lips. They don't dry down like a matte but they are so nice to wear and fantastic colours. There everyday shades to date night shades and I know I'm going to get so much wear out of them this Autumn/Winter.
Ps...Super Matte Liquid lipsticks in 04.
This one has a really finely milled multicoloured glitter to it which I really like. I'd never have picked it up had I noticed this but I'm glad I did as it's a nice spin on a classic autumn berry lip without being too overboard like WOW glitter.
Let me know if you have tried these Ps...Lip products and which shades are your favorite? I can't wait to go back and have ab other nosey at the shade range. I HOPE THERE'S MORE 😍