
Engagement Photoshoot

Saturday, May 07, 2016

A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of photographing my Brother & his fiance Charlotte for there engagement photoshoot. They got engaged back in July but they wanted special engagement photos so that they can use some for save the dates etc for their upcoming wedding next April.

If you've been a reader of my blog for a while you'll know how much I LOVE photography! It's one of my many passions as i really like capturing special moments.
We took over 400 photographs but once I'd filtered through them and deleted the blurry ones etc they had around 30 photos for their engagement album. I also wanted to make them a secret video of the engagement shoot as I also adore videography and wanted to try out a few different techniques to my usual filming style. They knew I was filming something but they didn't know what it was for and after editing for almost 22 hours their video was complete which included their first dance song. 
They posted it on Facebook and had tons of lovely comments and they were thrilled with it, so it was well worth the 22hrs editing!

Let me know what you think for the photos and video and I hope your all having a fantastic day!

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