

Monday, December 21, 2015

A couple of weeks ago Craig took me to see the Reindeer Parade through Usk and it was magical! I have never seen real Reindeer before and seeing them pulling Santa's Slay through the village was so lovely, with the brass band playing Christmas music also it truly was a lovely evening! After we walked with the parade around the village we stopped off at the Christmas Stalls and enjoyed having a browse around all the lovely hand crafted items and obviously HAD to get a Turkey, Stuffing and Cranberry roll! Its not Christmas until you've stuffed your face with a Turkey Roll hehe! 

The Reindeer where so much more energetic than I imagined them to be and they were running about and jumping like you wouldn't believe. I thought it was perhaps because of all the people and that they might be a little stressed but they were so happy! They where from the Cairngorm Reindeer Herd which is Britain's only free-ranging herd of reindeer found in the Cairngorm mountains in Scotland. They were so tame and I loved seeing them!

After we had gotten a Turkey roll we enjoyed some Dinky Donuts and they were phenomenal! Dunked into Toffee sauce, you couldn't have wished for a more delicious evening! I'm so pleased Craig arranged for us to go see the Reindeer as we missed them last year and the whole atmosphere around Usk was like being in a Dickens Film set.  As walked back to the car to go home, I spotted this amazing Wreath in the Hairdressers window which I just thought was incredible, made out of all hair dressing equipment! What an unusual but super creative idea and Im sure my hair dresser friends will love this Christmas Wreath, you know who you are ( *cough* Stephanie). 

Have you been to any Christmassy Themed events? Let me know in the comments below :)

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