A couple of weeks ago Craig took me to see the Reindeer Parade through Usk and it was magical! I have never seen real Reindeer before and seeing them pulling Santa's Slay through the village was so lovely, with the brass band playing Christmas music also it truly was a lovely evening! After we walked with the parade around the village we stopped off at the Christmas Stalls and...
Its been ages since I wrote a blog post as its been manic here with work and getting prepared for our first Craft / Christmas fair this Sunday! I haven't had time to sit and write a blog post but I did manage to take an hour out to bake some cupcakes. I had fantastic feedback from you all on my last baking...
This time of year my skin starts to get so dry and flaky which is so annoying. I was sent this fab little set by Ole Henrikson called the 3 little wonders mini collection which is supposed to be used for 7 days to transform your skin! I review a lot of skincare so I didn't think my skin would be 'transformed' but it literally has...