

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Okay so a completely different style of post from me today but I've recently started baking and thought I'd do a blog post all about my first cupcakes. I wasn't sure whether to put this post live or not as they don't look great but i figured in a few months time when I'm hopefully better at cupcake making i can look back and be proud of how far Ive come from these and probs LOL at them!
Ingredients to make 12 large cupcakes-
190g plain flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt 
115g butter softened
200g caster sugar
2 tsp Vanilla extract
2 large eggs , lightly beaten
125ml milk
Pink food colouring
These cupcakes are super easy to make and it really is a case of mixing all the ingredients together in a bowl to create the cake mix and deciding the mixture into paper cake cases. I made 12 with this recipe and they where pretty big cupcakes! 
Once my eggs,flour,baking powder,salt,butter,Vanilla extract and caster sugar where all mixed together using my hand mixer, I then added the food colouring to make the cake mix pink. I think I would skip this step next time as it didn't really go that pink so it was a little pointless unless I perhaps use a paste food colouring as the liquid ones aren't as pigmented.
I then spooned out a little cake mix in each cake case and then placed a Ferrero Richer in the centre of the cupcake mix. Id seen this on Pinterest and just knew i had to try it in my first cupcakes.
I then continued to spoon into the cases the rest of the cake mix and Baked them in my halogen oven for 15 minutes at 180°C. I think next time i will bake them at a lower heat for longer as the halogen oven very nearly burnt the top of the cupcakes but the inside was light and fluffy! 
Ingredients to make Butter cream frosting-
115g butter ,softened
250g icing sugar
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract 
Pinch of salt
Blue food colouring 
The butter cream icing again was really easy to make, just combine all the ingredients again in a bowl with my hand mixer and once it's well combined and smooth its ready to out into the piping bag. I found that 250g of icing sugar wasn't enough to balance out the buttery taste so I added around 120g extra icing sugar to my mix to achieve the perfect butter cream icing. 
I used my Tala piping bag with my large star nozzle and attempted a standard cupcake swirl in a few and a rose effect on the others which didn't turn out perfect but its all good practise and I didn't expect to be pro icer first time. 
The inside of the cupcakes was so tasty with the Ferrero Rocker melting in the middle and the fluffy cupcake middle. The icing was rich and buttery but as I said I will probably cut down the 115g butter to 90g butter to 250g icing sugar next time as it was far too buttery tasting before I added more icing sugar. 
These cupcakes tasted loads better than they look but I don't mind too much as they where my first ones and I'm hoping to get 100% better with some more practise. 

They only took me around an hour and 20 mins but this time could have been halved if I could fit more cupcakes into my halogen oven. I enjoyed making them and have learnt so much from watching YouTube videos on icing and cake making so I can't wait to share my baking progress with you all! 

I hope you all enjoyed my first cupcake baking post, let me know in the comments what your favourite cupcake flavours are or your favourite baking recipes?

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