

Saturday, September 05, 2015

I've always loved music and as I have the radio on all day in work I'm constantly finding new songs and artists that I really enjoy listening to! Radio 1 is my preferred radio station to listen to and with the charts mostly repeating themselves all day it's a nice change when it gets to 7pm and I'm either working late or in the car, listen to Annie Mac or Hew Stephens. They play a range of different genre's from new and old artists so I'm guaranteed to discover something new that I Love!

I hadn't heard of the Band PVRIS until a few weeks ago when Hew Stephens played their song Fire as a Radio 1 hottest record and they are really good! They are a band which sound kind of Paramore'y but with a little bit more of a edge. I really like their songs Fire and St Patrick. 

Now One Direction have never really been a group I went out of my way to listen to but their new song Drag Me Down I absolutely love and listen to it at least twice a day hehe! It's on the radio loads and I hope their next album is as catchy and a bit more grown up than their previous songs. 

Who doesn't love Lana Del Rey? Her songs are always so amazing and accompanied by an equally amazing video. Her latest song 'High by the beach' is so chilled but I love the background creepy dance vibe that it has. I look forward to her next album also!

Slaves are a band I discovered also via Radio 1 hottest records and their whole album is phenomenal! It's a bit more rocky and crazy band music than some may like but I love it! It's great rage music haha and cheers me up when I'm feeling a little grumpy.

The next band is a little less crazy than slaves but still a great band with an amazing debut album. Annie Mac introduced me to this band, not personally but when she interviewed them recently on radio 1 and I instantly knew I had to get the new album ' the making of' which doesn't disappoint! 'Swarm' and 'Where you at' being my two favs so far off the album.

And lastly is a song I've literally played on repeat this past few weeks which is a collaboration by Sigma and Ella Henderson called Glitterball! It's such an uplifting and lovely song mixed into an awesome dance track! I love it but I may have blown my speakers with it so my speakers on the other hand do not love it! 

So that was my Playlist #2. I haven't done one since April 2014 so I hope you like it, if you'd like to check out what my first playlist sounded like then click here.! Let me know in the comments if you like this style of post so I can make this a regular post feature and also let me know what your listening to? I'd love to find some new bands or songs from your recommendations!

Have a great weekend!

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