Phil Smith wasn't a brand I can say I was familiar with when my mum mentioned to me a few months ago that she had found the BEST dry shampoo ever! I contacted Phil Smith straight away to let them know the positive experience my mum had had with their dry shampoo and they where kind enough to send me some products to try myself. I received the...
With life being so busy and hectic sometimes its so easy to get caught up in all the madness of everyday stresses and you can feel like your going to blow! I've been feeling really overwhelmed recently with work being so busy and trying to stay focused on the task at hand becomes nearly impossibly when your minds racing! It almost feels like...
I've never had a Designer handbag before so you can imagine my sheer delight when the wonderful Rachel from The Hut asked me if I would like to review one of their Paul's Boutique Handbags. What girl would turn down that opportunity? Not this one hehe!! The handbag is the Grey Suede Porter Slouchy Bag by Paul's Boutique and its PERFECT!! Its so my style and I literally haven't left the house...
Soigne has been my favourite nail polish brand for a while now since I fell in love with their Lemonade Rose shade back last year! Their nail polishes are the best formula I've tried and trust me, I've tried a ton of nail polishes from different brands. Its super shiny, lasts a good week on my nails without a base or top coat and has amazing chip resistance. ...
Its no secret that I LOVE nail art, especially the glittery cutesy girlie designs. This manicure features two of my all time favourite nail polishes from the brand Soigne. I used Lemonade Rose which is the most perfect baby pink shade and their soon to be released Crepuscule which means Twilight in English. Its a shade so unique which has been formulated to mimic the colour...
As some of you may know, Craig and Myself have our own Wall Sticker business, we design and make all our own wall stickers and absolutely love creating new designs for our customers! And today I'm so pleased to announce that we will soon be offering our designs in print form so that you can frame your favourite quotes or phrases from...
I've always loved music and as I have the radio on all day in work I'm constantly finding new songs and artists that I really enjoy listening to! Radio 1 is my preferred radio station to listen to and with the charts mostly repeating themselves all day it's a nice change when it gets to 7pm and I'm either working late or in...
Our cats Jodie & Scottie are huge fans of the Purrfect Box subscription and this months box they couldn't have been more excited for. I vlogged the arrival, the unboxing and their reaction to their August Purrfect box so If you would like to see that click here. This months box featured a great balance of treats, toys and practical products, like a collar and a clean ears lotion....