

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

I've been meaning to write one of these posts for ages as there are so many blogs I love to read at the moment.  From new bloggers to all time favourite blogs of mine, I will link below blogs which I highly recommend you follow! Most of these blogs fall under the beauty, fashion, lifestyle categories but they all have their own individual style which I'm sure you'll love...

Serge in the City is a new blog written by my lovely friend Amy! Its a blog which covers all things beauty, travel and food related! Amy writes really well and her photos are great! If you are looking for a new interesting blog to follow be sure to follow Amy's on Bloglovin. 
Rinica Writes is a blogger I've been following for ages now! She is such a lovely person also and her blog is always so honest and full of amazing product reviews, hauls and recommendations. She also posts about health and fitness which is always so motivational! She is also a skincare fanatic so she really knows her stuff when it comes to reviewing skincare. 
Stephanie Eva is a fantastic blogger who I can gladly say is also my friend! She is from New England so I've not actual met Stephanie but she is so on my wave length and her humour is so funny! She makes amazing blog reviews and makeup posts AND also posts weekly vlogs on her YouTube channel which should not be missed! Defo go check out her blog and channel and subscribe! 

Millie-Ann Bliss is the youngest blogger of this feature but she writes incredible well! Her blog is such a pleasure to read and she really knows her stuff when it comes to fashion and makeup! Her style is awesome and I think her blog is a MUST follow! Her dog is also super cute! 
Lily Melrose is one of my all time favourite bloggers who I've followed for years and years! She has an amazing blog which is all about fashion, beauty and she also travels quite a bit so there's tons of travel posts also! She has a YouTube channel full of vlogs and makeup looks as well as hauls and reviews.
Charlotte Harvs has a fashion blog which will make you all need to buy a new wardrobe immediately! Her style is awesome and she currently lives in Spain so her photos will also make you green with envy. Charlotte also writes her own magazine which is called Fashion Fade, could she get any cooler? 

I hope you all enjoy reading these blogs as much as I do and be sure to subscribe and follow them! If you do follow them leave them all a little comment letting them know you came from this post :) 

Who are your favourite bloggers? Let me know in the comments I'd love to check them out myself!

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