
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Inspired Manicure

Monday, November 03, 2014

I wasn't going to let myself get excited about the new Call Of Duty Game Advanced Warfare until I'd played it as Last years Ghosts was so awful, in my opinion...but when these Camouflage Nail Art Water Decals arrived in the post from Born Pretty Store last week I couldn't not do a COD manicure. Especially as Craig and I where also going to the Day Zero midnight launch to pick up our pre ordered copy of the new game , I couldn't resist. 

I can't say these water decals where what I was expecting. They were more like nail art stickers or foil in the sense that they where thick and I had to cut them into the shape of my cuticles prior to soaking them in water so that there wasn't a square block of decal on and around my nail. So straight away I knew they weren't as easy to use as previous water decals I'd used. 

I painted my nails with a George Asda polish in the shade Octopus which is a gorgeous dark green with blue glitter flecks in it. I then cut into shape the water decals that I wanted to use and let them all sit in a bowl of water for 10-20 seconds once I'd removed the top film layer.

They applied well to my nail and once I'd soaked up any excess water they could still be moved around like normal water decals. There where a few spots of decal around my nail so I applied top coat to my whole nail and a bit to the excess decal. The top coat sealed in the decal on my nail and surprisingly kind of 'melted' the excess decal so that I could rub it off with a damp earbud.

Nail Art Water Decals Stickers Quirky Camouflage Pattern*

As I mentioned above these weren't as easy to use as previous water decals I'd tried but they where still pretty simple once I'd figured out how to apply them properly. The stars where easier as they are like regular water decals and stuck onto my nail perfectly with no mess. 

These decals are available from the link above for 62p!!! I know cheap right!  I also have a coupon code for all my subscribers to enjoy 10% off all orders when you use the code - USTX31

I hope you all liked my Call Of Duty Inspired Camouflage manicure!

*This post contains products sent for review. All opinions are my own and 100% honest. 

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