

Friday, March 21, 2014

I was recently asked by one of my lovely followers called Sophie if I would do a floral nail art tutorial, so I decided to do one of my favourite nail art designs which is the Rose. I did a rose nail art tutorial on my youtube channel but I think this tutorial is an even easier way to achieve rose nail art than the method used in my video. Check out my Rose Nail Art Video Tutorial here

This method is super easy and looks so effective. I have had so many compliment on my nails with this manicure and I think its perfect for beginners starting out at nail art! 

The base polishes I used for this manicure where NYC Side Walkers and VIVO Someday. For the roses I used OPI Short Story, Colour Workshop French White and a Nail Star Nail striper in green. I also used the Colour Workshop Top Coat.
I also used a sheet of kitchen foil for a palette for my nail polishes, a nail art brush and a nail art dotting tool. If you don't have a dotting took you can use the end of a metal hair clip or a even a pin in the end of a pencil eraser works great! 
I started by painting my nails with two coats of my base polishes. I painted my index and ring finger with the blue VIVO polish as this is the nail I'm going to paint the roses onto. 
I then placed some pink polish and white polish onto my foil palette so that the polishes are touching but not mixed together. 
Using my dotting tool, I then carefully dipped the end of the dotter into the middle of the two polishes so that it picks up half of each polish. Quickly whilst its still wet, I started to paint small circles onto my nail to form the rose heads.
I kept dipping my dotter into the centre of the polishes to create the circles on my nail and as the dotter has got a bit of white and pink on the end it creates rose shapes and gives the roses more dimension. It might look messy at first but it will all come together when you add the leaves. 
Once I had painted a few roses onto my nails with the pink and white polish mixed together, I was really pleased with the overall effect. The pink on the blue also looks really pretty.
I then used my nail art striper to add little triangle shaped to the edge of the roses to create the leaves. This doesn't have to be perfect and you can randomly choose where to place the leaves.
Once I had let my nails dry thoroughly for around an hour, I applied my topcoat. Its so important to let your nail art dry as some topcoats will drag your nail art and smudge all your hard work if its not completely dry. 
I then wanted to try out some nail stencils so I added a chevron pattern to my thumb and middle finger and also used my dotting tool to create polka dots on my little finger nail. 

I love this manicure and hope you like this tutorial :) 

Thanks for reading!

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