

Sunday, December 01, 2013

If you fancy a good long read then this is the post for you hehe, I  have wanted to do this tag for a while as I love reading everyone else's get to know me style posts so I hope you like mine....

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hair is naturally straight which I love as I literally can't remember the last time I used my straighteners .

 2. Do you dye your hair yourself or go to a salon?
Well my mum is a hair dresser so luckily I can have my hair done at ' Le Salon De La Cuisine' (the kitchen in english hehe)

 3. Do you wear the same style everyday, or do you change it?
On a day to day basis I wear my hair either in a high ponytail or a high bun and my hair is so long it keeps it all out of my face that way. I only curl it when I'm going out for a meal or something.

 4. Do you do your own manicures and pedicures or do you go to a salon?
I love nail art and taking care of my nails so I do my own manicures. 

5. How often do you change your nail polish?
I normally do a full manicure once a week on a Friday so that my nails are nice for the weekend as in the week my nails chip quite a bit with work and house chores. 

6. Do you paint your toes in the Winter or just in the Summer?
I paint my toes all year round as I like them to look pretty but I dont do them regularly as my feet are normally tucked up in thick cosy winter socks so my toe nails aren't really on show.

7. Do you plan your outfit of the day the night before or just decide when getting dressed? 
I'd love to say 'yeah I'm super organised when it comes to planning my OOTD!' But no I just decide when I'm getting dressed as it depends how I feel on the day :-) 

8. How often do you change of your handbag? 
I change my handbag with the seasons so I have a more summery bag in the summer and usually an leather dark colour handbag in the autumn/winter.

9. How long does it take you to put on your makeup?
It depends if I'm in a rush or not, I love taking my time to do my makeup on the weekends so I take around 20mins to do a full face of makeup. But usually during the week I'm in one mad rush so I quickly slap on my makeup in around 10mins OR if I'm in a rediculouse rush and I'm late, I pack up my makeup into my handbag and apply my face on the way to wherever I'm going as I'm always a passenger in the car lol

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes? 
I dont wear eyeshadow on a day to day basis so i do my face first and then apply my eyeliner and mascara afterwards. 

11. Do you collect makeup or do you just buy what you need when you need it?
I buy what I need when I need it like if a mascara runs out or my everyday foundation has all gone but I do like to collect make up so when I have extra money or its my birthday/christsmas, I do like to buy things I don't need for my collection , like 6 nail polishes at once or 3 lipsticks :-) 

 12. How often do you wear false eyelashes? 
I only wear false eyelashes when I'm filming a tutorial for my YouTube channel or I'm reviewing a set for my blog. I just cannot cope with how my eyes feel heavy when wearing them so I couldn't wear them everyday. 

 13. Do you wear a full face of makeup everyday? 
I used to when I was in 6th form and then uni but no now that I'm at home most of the time I only wear a full face when I'm going shopping or going out for the day.

14. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, when im just popping to the shop or post office I wont worry so much about having makeup on.

15. How many high end products do you own?
Hmm...none! Omg shocking I know but I don't own any Mac products other than their brushes (which I don't think much of) and I'm yet to purchase any Mac lipsticks . I own high end perfumes from YSL and Givenchy but no high end cosmetics

16. What time do you wake up and go to sleep? 
I used to sleep in until midday or stupid o'clock but now I'm generally awake by half 8 on a week day and I never sleep in past half 10 on a weekend as I can't stand waisting my days anymore lol. Getting old! Haha. And I'm normally in bed by midnight on a weekday as i cannot fall asleep before 12 and a little later on a weekend. 

17. How many pets do you have?
We have two cats, Jodie and Scottie. They are both so lovely and funny but they are both so different in personality. Jodie is more sneaky and calculating whilst Scottie is more soft and a little silly at times but they are both very cute.

18. How often are you on Blogger?
I check blogger everyday and try and post as much as I can. Depending on how busy I am in the week I try and get a post up every other day.

19. Do you read comments posted on blogs?
Yeah I always read comments as I love to read everyone's opinion on posts or products and also I love finding new blogs to follow!

20. What kind of camera do you use for your photographs?
I have a Panasonic lumix TZ 7 which I film all my videos on and take my photographs. Its a few years old now but when craig bought it for me it was the best camera for me at that time and it was expensive. I really want a nee camera and I'd love a canon, I'm not sure if its the 600d or the 60d that I want but I want a 18-55mm lense with it also but its expensive so I will have to put it on my Xmas list and hope Santa has the money lol. 

So that was the get to know me beauty blogger tag , I hope you liked my answers! 

Thanks for reading!

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