

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Want to paint your nail Ombre but don't have all the shades of the colour you need to paint them? Then that's why this new Fing'rs Edge Ombre Nail Polish set is fantastic! The set comes with 5.5 ml nail polishes in various blue shades to create the perfect Ombre Manicure. The sets are available from ASDA online and in store. They also have a Pink and Lilac set which I will have posts on soon.

As I mentioned before the set includes five 5.5ml polishes and they are also all gloss finishes. The only thing If I'm being enormously fussy is that the set has 1 metallic shade and the rest are non metallic. When I'm doing a manicure I either choose my nail polishes to be all Metallica or All non metallic. But having said that once I applied the polish to my nails the fact that one nail was Metallica didn't bug me too much! This wont even bother most people but I'm annoyingly fussy!
The Blue shades included are perfect for the gradient Ombre manicure as shown above. I really like the shades in the set and think this set will be well used this autumn/winter. The set also includes a sponge (not shown) for creating a Ombre Nail which is great as I have been cutting up my new dish sponged to create Ombre so that saves me from doing that.
The darkest blue is nice as after a 2 coats its very dark and reminds me of an ink blue. I have done two coats of each polish here. 1 thick coat would probably have been fine but I prefer to paint my nails two thin coats as I find they dry faster. These polishes also dry really fast anyway and I was super surprised how fast they completely dried and I could carry on with going about my daily duties. 
I painted my nails with these polishes Sunday evening and its now Wednesday and I've only had minor chipping occurring. This is without using a top coat. I think if id used a good top coat these polishes would easily last me 5-7 days which is brilliant as not many polishes last very long on my nails. 

I will be showing the Fing'rs EDGE Ombre Pink and Lilac nail polish set very soon as they are also fantastic and I've currently got those polishes on my toes. 

I hope you have enjoyed this review. Let me now if you've tried these polishes and what you thought of them! 

Have a great day!


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