
Current Favourites! ♥

Sunday, May 26, 2013

This is my latest Video of My Current Favourites! Its a pretty random video of all my fav skincare, make up, Nail polish , Apps , PC games and My Favourite YouTubers! 

Watch in HD! 

Products Mentioned -

M&S Nail polish - Neon Pink - 
(In Store Only)

Apps Mentioned - 

Nike Training Club App 

Candy Crush Saga

Games Mentioned - 

Favourite Youtubers - Please Check Out their Channels & Subscribe!

Pauline - The Nail Changer - 

Charlotte - xXxChazabellexXx -

Rudy - RudyCouturex3 - 

Ellie - Eleanor Susan -

Katie - Beauty On Rocks - 

Missy Boo - MsMissyBooFul - 

Thanks for watching!

Twitter - @SophieJenner 
Instagram- SophieJenner1

I hope you enjoy this video!

Thanks for watching!


Disclaimer - I am not being sponsored or payed by any company to mention products in my videos and all products mentioned have been bought with my own money. Any products marked with an * are products I have been sent to review and I have given my honest opinion of any products mentioned.

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