
Current Favourites! ♥

Sunday, May 26, 2013
Hiya! This is my latest Video of My Current Favourites! Its a pretty random video of all my fav skincare, make up, Nail polish , Apps , PC games and My Favourite YouTubers!  Watch in HD!  Products Mentioned - Aqueous Cream  Accessorize Blush in Scandal-  Collection Lipstick Pink Shock 2 -  Real Techniques Expert Brush - Revlon nail polish - Blue Lagoon -...


Xbox One Reveal 2013 Highlights -

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Hi! If you missed the live Xbox one reveal yesterday then here is a great video with all you need to know in 2mins!  Sophie X ...


Fragrance Direct Haul / Review -

Monday, May 20, 2013
Hi! As you can imagine I was over the moon to see my Fragrance direct parcel arrive so soon this morning! In my last post I said that Fragrance direct were going to be sending me some products to review and they arrived this morning. I did not expect them to send me all the products on my wishlist so I was hugely...


Fragrance Direct Review - Coming Soon

Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Fragancedirect.co.uk  Hi! I just wanted to share with you this fantastic website i came across last week called Fragrance Direct! This website sells discounted Fragrance, Cosmetics , Bath , Body and Hair Care. High end and Low end products at an amazingly discounted price. I have literally spent all weekend , well most of my days searching this site and browsing all the...


MAC Candy Yum Yum Dupe!

Thursday, May 09, 2013
MAC Candy Yum Yum £14 Hello! Last weekend Craig treated me to a few new beauty products! As i was in the cosmetics department for a while trying to decide what I wanted to try out, Craig was helping me pick and reminded me that I have wanted MAC's Candy Yum Yum lipstick for a while now and as I am yet to...


Iggy Azalea My World Inspired Make-Up Tutorial

Thursday, May 09, 2013
Hi! This is my Iggy Azalea My World Inspired Make-up Tutorial x I hope you like it, if you do please thumbs up this video and subscribe for more videos from me x  Let me know on here in the comments or on Twitter if you do recreate this look, I would love to see your photos! x Thanks for watching!Sophie x  Products Mentioned - Foundation...

