
Scottie ♥

Thursday, October 06, 2011


I'm one very happy girlie as I'm now the proud owner of a beautiful Scottish Fold Kitten which we have called Scottie. He is 13 weeks old and I had him as a present off my amazing boyfriend Craig as he knew I've always wanted a Scottish fold since i saw one on Google images i knew i had to have one he he.

Here are a few photos of my Birthday and our 8hr round trip from when we went to collect him, he was from Norfolk so it was a hell of a drive as we live in south wales but thankfully my dad drove us and my best friend Katie surprised
me in the car turning up with my dad for the journey :) x thank you everyone who made my birthday a very special one and thanks again Craig for getting me my dream kitten.
I will love him forever! x

My Birthday Carrot Cake my Fav :) x thanks Craig x
And what was a huge sparkler thing which was more like a firework lol x

My Cards from Craig and the Cats and a Totally Reem Key ring for Scottie's Carry Case off Craig x

My Dad, Katie ,Craig and Me on the way to get Scottie x

The First time I held Scottie ,Thanks for taking this photo k8, i love it! x

My Beautiful Boy x

Craig feeding Piggy Wiggy doughnuts at the breeders house x

Katie Feeding Piggy Wiggy :) x

Scottie in his carry case on the way home on the blanket I made x

All Relaxed on my lap on the way home x

My Fav photo of my boy on the way home all chilled out in classic Scottish fold pose x

Hope you like the pictures.


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