
My Surprise revealed!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Before Braces 2007 (Craig's perfect teeth )

With a retainer before braces 2007

Side shot of gap 2007

After :) 2011

After ^_^ ( no side gaps or backwards bottom teeth! )

Hellooo :) I can finally tell and show you all what my surprise was hehe :)
I had my Braces off after 4 LONG years of wearing them ^_^!

I'm sooo chuffed with how my teeth look now and they feel so nice.
Craig bought me a McDonald's straight after we left the dentist as a celebratory meal hehe and I ate it so fast lol not having to stop due to braces!
Then I went and surprised my best friend Katie with my new teeth as she wasn't expecting it at all and was v.pleased for me.
Then i went and showed my dad who also wasnt expecting it so he was shocked aswell hehe.

Ive got some old photos of how my teeth were and how they look now. I'm sure ill have some newer photos to come aswell hehe :) x

Thanks for reading girlies x

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