Uni Art Project 1- Classical Architecture
Monday, November 01, 2010Hello again , here are a few pictures of my first project at uni. Its called classical architecture and i had to research, design and make my own classical structure and then once that was made draw 3 A1 tonal drawings of my structure using charcoal, so that was a hugeeee challenge and all in 2 weeks ! :O But i did it and it was on time lol! achievement in its self lol
We were told we could make our structure out of what ever we wanted and it had to be entirely white. Most people make it out of cardboard as we had a card engineering workshop one day last week. But me being me I had to be different and challenge myself to making it entirely out of textiles.
I'm so glad I've finished this project now though as my back was in bits from constantly sewing on my sewing machine for 4 days non stop. but I'm v. pleased with the finished result and as i don't really draw fine art I draw design drawings I found the A1 work quite hard but I'm pleased with them. :)
Thanks for reading , hope you like my structure :) x
Sophie-Lou x